TTOuch playground of higher learning
The TTeam Playground For Higher Learning
Ground exercises have been a vital part of the TTEAM method from the beginning.
In Linda’s first book, An Introduction to the Tellington-Jones Equine Awareness Method published in 1985, Chapter Five is devoted to ground exercises. “The T.E.A.M. ground exercises accomplish the following:
the horse’s confidence increases as he develops a greater awareness of his body;
his coordination and movements improves; his sense of balance improves;
he obeys without restraint, and develops self-control and patience;
he becomes a keen observer, paying exact attention to detail;
the basis for mutual respect and rapport between man and horse is established.”
Two facets make TTEAM ground exercises unique: the first is the use of the various pole and board configurations like the Labyrinth and the Star, to name two; and the second is the variety of ways to lead a horse. The same type of activities can be used with dogs in the Tellington TTouch Training.
In Getting in TTouch with Your Dog, Linda explains the TTouch Confidence Course: “We work with obstacles . . . to develop a dog’s willingness to focus and listen, to wait for our signals, and to overcome aggression or timidity” and to cooperate.
A TTEAM Playground For Higher Learning
by Robyn Hood, TTEAM & TTouch Instructor and Editor of TTEAM Connections Newsletter July-September, 2003 Pp. 22-28
At our Icelandic Horse Farm in Vernon, British Columbia, we incorporate the various pole and board configurations that we use for the ground exercises as well as the leading exercises into a TTEAM Playground for Higher Learning. On the inside of our 200-meter track, we have a large outdoor arena that allows us to leave the Playground always at the ready.
What do we call the groundwork we do with horses and dogs? Apt names are the TTEAM Playground for Higher Learning and the TTouch Confidence Course. We can also say that it is an “awareness course”, not only for the horses and/or dogs, but also very much for the humans. While trying to bring out the best in the animals and teach them to learn, the humans must be aware of all the ways to make learning enjoyable (even fun) and successful. So one main criteria of a TTEAM learning exercise is that it is always possible to “chunk” it down into smaller parts. The Playground or Confidence Course may look similar to trail classes for horses or agility trials for dogs, but the purpose and methodology are expanded.
Why do Groundwork in the Playground or in the Confidence Course?
To have FUN which enhances learning!
To focus and think, and this applies to 2-legged and 4-legged.
To move slowly! When we move slowly, the nervous system pays more attention to what it is doing and different parts of the brain and different muscles are used.
The results of learning in the playground or confidence course transfer into real-life situations.
To allow an animal to explore non-habitual ways of moving.
To increase coordination
To increase self-confidence and self-controlTo improve balance and to experience that being in balance makes it easier to learn and to get the most out of activities
To overcome fears by having a variety of ways to make the experiences succesfull
To improve self-carriage (posture).
Movement increases proprioceptive input (awareness of where your body is in space). Proprioceptive input increases dopamine which is the nuero-transmitter that helps influence the emotional state. All these possibilities make important an understanding of the physical elements and of the techniques of the Playground for Higher Learning and of the TTouch Confidence Course.