Does your Super Senior need a new sidekick?

Another annual problem is the well-meaning, but often misguided, gift of a new pet to a household that is already home to a senior pet. If you are considering another set of furry feet around the house make sure you have answered all these questions first.

  • How do the people you live with feel about having another pet in the house?

  • Is your current residence suited to the type of pet you’re considering?

  • How will your social life or work obligations affect your ability to care for another pet, with at least as many demands as your resident fur baby?

  • Will your current plan for your resident pet during holidays and/or work travel still work with an extra mouth to feed and manage?

  • How many other pets do you have and how will they react to a new pet?

  • Do you or any of your household/family members have health issues that may be affected by another pet of a different species or hair coat. Don't forget, not every designer "non-shedding" pup lives up to that promise.

  • What breed, or species, of animal is the best fit with your current lifestyle? If your beloved Border Collie or lovely Labrador long since retired to the couch they may not appreciate a high energy, easily bored puppy hanging from their ears.

  • Do you want a pet who follows you all around the house or would you prefer a less clingy, more independent character?

  • Do you need a pet who will be reliable with children or one you can take with you when you travel?

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am always cautious recommending a new companion for beloved seniors, however,  the added benefits in environmental enrichment, stimulation to exercise, and company around the house often increase their interest in life and mobility. Although I strongly suggest meeting new prospective furbabies after the festive fun is over.