Inspired by walking more streets than before over Pawgust.
Building routine. The early stages of building a new routine are hard. If you can add just 1 tiny thing to the start or end of a routine you already do that makes it easier.
Finding out I wasn’t going to be able to put in the time I had promised for Pawgust meant I had to change my route more than once to get to the promised number of minutes. Then, once I was at the required time, I found I had many options providing variety and the routine become easier.Avoiding overwhelm. There’s no denying it, our lives are busier than ever. If adding one more daily commitment leaves you feeling obligated, then overwhelmed, reconsider the commitment or if you can build it into things you are already doing. That way it will take up less of your time, and ticking two things off your list leaves you feeling like you are getting ahead faster.
Things are often not as bad as you think they will be. Despite the weather being pretty cold and wet at times during Pawgust, there were some beautiful sunrises and sunny days throughout the challenge, and there was never a time when I arrived back home feeling worse for having gotten out walking.
There are an amazing number of opportunities to build rehab exercises into a walk around the block!
Keep an eye out for inclines (gradual or steep), and curbs for step-up exercises at a height suitable for your fur baby’s size (no jumping up). Short flights of outdoor steps are a local gem, providing they are deep enough that your fur baby can climb them easily.
Be prepared for the day’s weather.
If it really is too wet, too cold, too dark, or soon enough, too hot on the pavement. Or if (like mine) your fur baby sometimes just refuses to go with you for a walk, refer back to our previous blog for ideas to exercise indoors.
Remember to pause and enjoy the moment.
Whether it is the scenery, the fresh air, the sunrise, the sunset, or the calm quiet, remember to slow down and savour it.
How have you motivated yourself to start a new routine? We love to hear your inspiration.
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