Meet Indi, Our Spirited "Baby Rotti"


At just 6 months old, Indi began showing signs of hind limb lameness and struggled to push herself up from a sit or a lie-down. After a thorough physical assessment and x-rays, she was diagnosed with bilateral hip dysplasia—a condition where the hip joints develop abnormally. Recognising the importance of early intervention, Indi’s owner and the specialist surgeon decided on a conservative management plan until she finished growing, with surgery initially planned for the right hip.

Pre-surgery xrays

Pre-surgery xrays of Indi’s pelvis
(Ventro Dorsal View)

Pre-surgery xrays of Indi’s pelvis
(Lateral View)

A Journey of Pre-hab, Progress, and Emotional Support

Indi’s rehabilitation kicked off with a focused pre-hab program designed to build hind limb muscle strength, ease weight-bearing, and boost overall comfort.

Her personalised plan included:

  • Home Exercises: Carefully tailored to strengthen her muscles.

  • Ice & Heat Therapy: Ice to soothe post-exercise soreness and heat to relax her muscles by day’s end.

  • Massage & Hydrotherapy: Hands-on sessions and water-based therapy to support her joints.

  • Controlled Play: A necessary compromise for a puppy known for her boundless zoomies!

Beyond the physical gains, Indi’s journey also
touched hearts. As her owner shared recently;

"In terms of the pre-hab it not only helped to build up her muscle strength but it also helped us emotionally as it was something we could do to help her while we waited for surgery."

At the clinic, Indi underwent hydrotherapy sessions—6 x weekly sessions followed by 2 x fortnightly sessions—with body weight and muscle girth measurements taken at the start and finish. Over 10 weeks, Indi experienced a 4kg weight gain, with significant increases in chest, waist, and notably, a 4.5cm gain in the right hind limb.

Surgery Success and a New Lease on Life!

One week later, Indi had surgery on her right hip. By the 8-week mark, the surgeon celebrated a successful outcome, and her owner joyfully noted, “She’s doing circles in the morning…and now she pretty much jogs them!” When we saw Indi again 12 weeks post-surgery, her excitement was contagious (clearly, kangaroo treats and cuddles work wonders!). A new exercise program was introduced to support her left hip, and six months post-surgery, her owner happily reported, “She runs around easily now, much better than before.”


Indi watching TV while recovering from surgery


Key Takeaway:
Indi’s journey reminds us that early diagnosis, a proactive rehabilitation plan, and even a little control over those energetic zoomies can transform challenges into
triumphs—not just for our pets, but also for the
families who care for them.

Total Rehabilitation Investment: $1,435
Total Surgery Investment (approx): $10,000 per hip

Post-surgery xrays of Indi’s hips

Post-surgery xrays of Indi’s hips


Indi, 18 months post rehab