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** Please note: Due to Covid-19 and the associated restrictions, we have made the decision to postpone the workshop. Future dates are still to be confirmed, but we will keep in touch and update you as soon as we can **

Register for Tellington TTouch Workshop

22nd May to 25th May 2020

Date: Friday 22nd May to Monday 25th May
Approximately 4.30pm daily

Venue: The Perth Horse And Pony Club
Address: 171 Jon Sanders Drive, Herdsman 6071
(Entrance opp Selby St North)

 4-day workshop with Andy Robertson includes morning and afternoon tea, and a delicious lunch in a peaceful lakeside setting
All registrants will receive a complimentary copy of Getting in TTouch With Your Dog 

Early bird price: $490 per person before 27th March 2020
After 27th March: $530 each
Charity Group workers: $490 each

If you are bringing a dog, they MUST be on a leash at all times.
Please bring their:
- Crate (if possible),
- Lead, head halter, wraps etc that you have for your dog
- Dog dish, mat, treats, toys - everything you feel that your dog will need.