Mindfulness practice- fur babies to the rescue again!


In the current uncertain climate, with lots of distractions and threats, real or imagined, bombarding our brains and clamoring for our attention, mindfulness is a word we are hearing more and more.

But what is mindfulness all about, and if our brains are already crammed with information how can we fit it all in?

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a type of guided meditation that involves breathing exercises and imagery.

It helps the mind to relax and achieve a stress-free state through being intentionally aware of your senses and feelings without making judgments. 

Mindfulness Exercises to do with your fur baby.

Here are some fun mindfulness activities that you can enjoy doing together with your fur baby.


Buddy Breathing

Buddy breathing is simply an exercise in which you focus your attention on the breathing of your partner—to its natural rhythm and flow.

It works by watching and focusing on the breath and its patterns, whether this is your own breathing or that of your pet. (Buddy Breathing can be particularly beneficial in the morning.) 

This mindful breathing exercise helps relax the nervous system and relieve any tension or stress you may be experiencing in the present moment about the day ahead. 

Try it with your fur kids and see how it affects them and you in terms of providing a calm start to the day!

Mindful Walks 

Mindful walking is an excellent stress-relieving activity that requires you to be consciously aware of your surroundings as you move around, rather than sitting down with your eyes closed. 

This mindfulness training exercise is a wonderful way to spend positive, undistracted time outdoors.

Spending time in nature is beneficial to the body, mind, and spirit, so practicing mindfulness outdoors as a family has extra benefits.

This activity is an excellent way for you to become more aware of your physical bodies’ sensations while sharing time with your dog.

Mindful walking can also improve your pet’s sleep quality, relationship skills- both human and canine, and focus, as well as relieve tension for you and provide a deeper spiritual connection.

Here’s how to get started


Take a nature walk with your fur baby and engage all your five senses.

While walking with them, concentrate on the feeling of your feet on the ground and listen to the sound all your feet make on the surface you are walking over.

When you’re going from the sun to the shade, feel the sensation on your face. Even the sensation of the air on your ears, nose, or hands as you walk.

Listen to sounds such as the wind in the trees, the chirping of birds, and the crunch of fallen leaves under your feet.

Take note of the sounds of nature and compare them to sounds from humans, vehicles, and machinery. Observe how your pet reacts to the different sounds. Are they hearing other sounds that you are not, or are the smells they are sniffing filling in their picture of the world?

Now, shift your focus to the smells that surround you. Imagine what your pet is smelling as they walk and the type of information that it brings them.

 Heartbeat Exercise

Many mindfulness exercises and activities involve paying close attention to your heartbeat.

This is because the practice of focusing on the heartbeat allows us to strengthen attention and in turn relax our nervous system.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Take your pet for a short run or jog with you for a minute.

  • At the end of this minute, place your hands on both your hearts, if you can. Hold under your dog’s chest or place your hand behind their elbow, on their rib cage while you place your other hand on your heart.

  • Close your eyes and pay attention to how both your heartbeats and respirations feel.

The most critical element of mindfulness is being present in the moment—enjoying life with your fur kids and taking the time to appreciate what you have and your surroundings.

T-touch has many mindfulness elements that help reduce stress for us and our fur family. Stay tuned for our next blog, all about T-touch.